# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status # finds out, if available) bar { id bar_left status_command conky-i3bar position top output "HDMI-A-2" font pango:Liberation Mono 10 colors { background $black_super focused_background $black focused_workspace $black_super $yellow_super $black active_workspace $black_super $blue_super $black inactive_workspace $black_super $black_super $white_super urgent_workspace $black $red_super $white } } bar { id bar_right position top output "HDMI-A-3" font pango:Liberation Mono 10 colors { background $black_super focused_background $black focused_workspace $black_super $yellow_super $black active_workspace $black_super $blue_super $black inactive_workspace $black_super $black_super $white_super urgent_workspace $black $red_super $white } } workspace 1 output HDMI-A-2 workspace 2 output HDMI-A-3 output HDMI-A-2 { position 0 0 background ~/Pictures/background.jpg fit } output HDMI-A-3 { position 1920 0 background ~/Pictures/background.jpg fit } font pango:Liberation Mono 8