+ADB - The Untold Story: Space Aliens Ate My Mouse
Apple IIgs Hardware Reference Second Edition [p80(Chapter6 p121)]
ADB Keycode
+ [Inside Macintosh volume V, pages 191-192]
ADB Signaling
ADB Overview & History
3: mice
- 0: application(keyobard/mice use to store its data.)
+ 0: application(keyobard uses this to store its data.)
1: application
- 2: application
+ 2: application(keyboard uses this for LEDs and state of modifiers)
3: status and command
keep low for 300us to request.
-Keyboard data(register0)
- This 16bit data can contains 2 keycodes and 2 released flags.
- First keycode is palced in upper nibble. When one keyocode is sent,
- lower nibble is 0xFF.
+Keyboard Data(Register0)
+ This 16bit data can contains two keycodes and two released flags.
+ First keycode is palced in upper byte. When one keyocode is sent,
+ lower byte is 0xFF.
Release flag is 1 when key is released.
- 15 14 . . . . . 8 7 6 . . . . . 0
- | |keycode1 | |keycode2
- |released(1) |released(1)
+ 1514 . . . . . 8 7 6 . . . . . 0
+ | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+- Keycode2
+ | | | | | | | | +--------------- Released2(1 when the key is released)
+ | +-+-+-+-+-+-+----------------- Keycode1
+ +------------------------------- Released1(1 when the key is released)
Scancode consists of 7bit keycode and 1bit release flag.
the switch has a special scancode 0x7F7F, so you can
also read from Data line. It uses 0xFFFF for release scancode.
+Keyboard LEDs & state of keys(Register2)
+ This register hold current state of three LEDs and nine keys.
+ The state of LEDs can be changed by sending Listen command.
+ 1514 . . . . . . 7 6 5 . 3 2 1 0
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- LED1(NumLock)
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--- LED2(CapsLock)
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----- LED3(ScrollLock)
+ | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+------- Reserved
+ | | | | | | | | | +------------- ScrollLock
+ | | | | | | | | +--------------- NumLock
+ | | | | | | | +----------------- Apple/Command
+ | | | | | | +------------------- Option
+ | | | | | +--------------------- Shift
+ | | | | +----------------------- Control
+ | | | +------------------------- Reset/Power
+ | | +--------------------------- CapsLock
+ | +----------------------------- Delete
+ +------------------------------- Reserved
uint16_t data = 0;
- send_byte(0x2C); // Addr:2, Cmd:talk(11), Reg:0(00)
- place_bit0(); // Stopbit
- if (!wait_data_lo(0xFF)) // Stop to Start(140-260us)
+ send_byte(0x2C); // Addr:Keyboard(0010), Cmd:Talk(11), Register0(00)
+ place_bit0(); // Stopbit(0)
+ if (!wait_data_lo(0xFF)) // Tlt/Stop to Start(140-260us)
return 0; // No data to send
if (!read_bit()) // Startbit(1)
return -2;
return data;
+// send state of LEDs
+void adb_host_kbd_led(uint8_t led)
+ attention();
+ send_byte(0x2A); // Addr:Keyboard(0010), Cmd:Listen(10), Register2(10)
+ place_bit0(); // Stopbit(0)
+ _delay_us(200); // Tlt/Stop to Start
+ place_bit1(); // Startbit(1)
+ send_byte(0); // send upper byte (not used)
+ send_byte(led&0x07); // send lower byte (bit2: ScrollLock, bit1: CapsLock, bit0: NumLock)
+ place_bit0(); // Stopbit(0);
static inline void data_lo()