set $ws9 "9"
set $ws10 "10"
+set $music "Music"
+set $chat "Chat"
mode "$ratpoison" {
# All/most commands in this mode should revert to the default mode on comleption.
# We are emulating ratpoison (kinda) here
bindsym 8 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg workspace $ws8'
bindsym 9 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg workspace $ws9'
bindsym 0 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg workspace $ws10'
+ bindsym m exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg workspace $music'
+ bindsym a exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg workspace $chat'
bindsym Shift+1 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $ws1'
bindsym Shift+2 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $ws2'
bindsym Shift+8 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $ws8'
bindsym Shift+9 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $ws9'
bindsym Shift+0 exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $ws10'
+ bindsym Shift+m exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $music'
+ bindsym Shift+a exec 'swaymsg mode "default"; swaymsg move container to workspace $chat'
# Moving focus
# bindsym Tab focus right mode "default"