--- /dev/null
+# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
+# finds out, if available)
+bar {
+ id bar
+ status_command conky-i3bar
+ position top
+ font pango:Liberation Mono 11
+ colors {
+ background $black_super
+ focused_background $black
+ focused_workspace $black_super $yellow_super $black
+ active_workspace $black_super $blue_super $black
+ inactive_workspace $black_super $black_super $white_super
+ urgent_workspace $black $red_super $white
+ }
+font pango:Liberation Mono 10
+# Disable tap-to-click on touchpad to prevent jerkyness
+input type:touch tap disable
input 7504:24616:unspecified_ErgoDox_ergonomic_keyboard {
xkb_layout gb
+input 1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard {
+ xkb_layout gb
+ xkb_variant colemak
+ xkb_options ctrl:nocaps
# host specific section
{%- do salt.log.error('sway/files/' + host) -%}
{% include 'sway/files/' + host %}