focus_follows_mouse no
focus_on_window_activation urgent
- # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
- # finds out, if available)
- bar {
- id bar_left
- status_command conky-i3bar
- position top
- output "DVI-I-1"
- font pango:Liberation Mono 10
- colors {
- background $black_super
- focused_background $black
- focused_workspace $black_super $yellow_super $black
- active_workspace $black_super $blue_super $black
- inactive_workspace $black_super $black_super $white_super
- urgent_workspace $black $red_super $white
- }
- }
- bar {
- id bar_right
- position top
- output "HDMI-4"
- font pango:Liberation Mono 10
- colors {
- background $black_super
- focused_background $black
- focused_workspace $black_super $yellow_super $black
- active_workspace $black_super $blue_super $black
- inactive_workspace $black_super $black_super $white_super
- urgent_workspace $black $red_super $white
- }
- }
+for_window [class="^rdesktop"] move workspace number 9; floating disable