--- /dev/null
+touch $LOG
+ kill -TERM $(cat $PID)
+ rm $PID
+ sync_mailboxes
+ exit
+ /usr/bin/mbsync -c /home/max/.mbsync.aber -a >> $LOG 2>&1
+ while true
+ do
+ sync_mailboxes
+ sleep 20
+ done
+rm -f $PASS_FILE
+touch $PASS_FILE
+chown max:max $PASS_FILE
+chmod 600 $PASS_FILE
+pass Aber/Main | head -n 1 > $PASS_FILE
+sync_mailboxes_loop& >> $LOG 2>&1
+echo $! > $PID
+/usr/bin/mutt -F ~/.mutt/mutt.uk.ac.aber.maf54
--- /dev/null
+# vim: filetype=muttrc
+color normal brightyellow default
+color error red default
+color tilde black default
+color message cyan default
+color markers red white
+color attachment white default
+color search brightmagenta default
+color status brightyellow black
+color indicator brightblack yellow
+color tree yellow default # arrow in threads
+color index brightmagenta default "~Q" # messages that have been replied to
+color index blue default "~U" # unread messages
+color index blue default "~U~$" # unread, unreferenced messages
+color index black red "~D" # deleted messages
+# Sidebar
+color sidebar_indicator default color17
+color sidebar_highlight default color238
+color sidebar_new green default
--- /dev/null
+macro index 'c' '<change-folder>?<change-dir><home>^K+<enter>'
+# Source the passwords file
+#source "gpg2 -dq ~/.mutt/passwords.gpg |"
+set my_aber_password=`pass Aber/Main | head -n 1`
+# Automatically render html emails. Not sure if this is a good idea
+auto_view text/html
+alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
+# use abook for aliases
+set alias_file=~/.aliases
+set sort_alias= alias
+source $alias_file
+set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
+macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "add the sender address to abook"
+# View urls more easily with urlview
+macro index \cb "|urlview\n"
+macro pager \cb "|urlview\n"
+macro pager \cb "\
+:set my_tmp_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode\n\
+:set pipe_decode\n\
+:set pipe_decode=\$my_tmp_pipe_decode\n\
+:unset my_tmp_pipe_decode\n" \
+# call urlview to extract URLS out of a message
+set text_flowed=yes
+set reflow_text=yes
+set editor="vim -v +':set textwidth=72' +'set fo=aw'"
+# Encryption
+source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc
+# Speed up folder switch
+set sleep_time=0
+# Mutt colors
+source ~/.mutt/colors.mutt
+set sort=threads
+set sort_aux=last-date-received
+set fast_reply=yes
+# Show message some message headers when reading mail
+set pager_index_lines=10
+# Show some context when paging through email
+set pager_context=5
+# Stop at the end of the email
+set pager_stop=yes
+# Remove all headers by default
+ignore *
+unignore from date subject to cc
+# Use sidebar
+set mail_check_stats
+set sidebar_visible=yes
+set sidebar_width=25
+set sidebar_folder_indent=yes
+set sidebar_short_path=yes
+set sidebar_divider_char='│'
+set sidebar_format='%B%* %N'
+bind index,pager \CP sidebar-prev
+bind index,pager \CN sidebar-next
+bind index,pager \CO sidebar-open
+unmailboxes *
+# Mailbox specific settings
+set smtp_url = "smtp://maf54@aber.ac.uk@smtp.office365.com:587"
+set smtp_pass = $my_aber_password
+set from = "maf54@aber.ac.uk"
+set realname = "Maximilian Friedersdorff"
+set folder = "~/mail_aber"
+set spoolfile = "+Inbox"
+set postponed = "+Drafts"
+set trash = "+Trash"
+set record = "+Sent"
+set pgp_sign_as="0x251C939D"
+mailboxes "+Inbox" "+Lists" "+Lists/ibers-all" "+Lists/centos-sec" "+Lists/ubuntu-sec" "+Notifications" "+Notifications/ibers-cs" "+Notifications/NPPC" "+Notifications/NPPC/Updates" "+Notifications/NPPC/Uptime" "+Notifications/NPPC/Icinga" "+UCU" "+Suppliers" "+Suppliers/BrightComputing" "+Suppliers/ClusterVision"