]> git.friedersdorff.com Git - max/dotfiles.git/shortlog
2016-10-12 Maximilian... Use less -R to prevent control codes
2016-10-10 Maximilian... Ratpoison bindings, vimperator history fix
2016-10-06 Maximilian... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:maxf130/dotfiles
2016-10-05 Maximilian... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:maxf130/dotfiles
2016-10-05 Maximilian... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:maxf130/dotfiles
2016-10-05 Maximilian... Remove Sec-announce folder
2016-10-04 Maximilian... rebind suspend in ratpoison
2016-10-04 Maximilian... Remove old modification to path and manpath
2016-10-04 Maximilian... Remove the Dev-blfs and support-blfs folders
2016-10-01 Maximilian... Use lynx in mailcap for ease of use in slackware
2016-09-29 Maximilian... Factor out system specific suspend command
2016-09-29 Maximilian... No fastforward merges by default
2016-09-29 Maximilian... Vimux and better syntastic linting
2016-09-29 Maximilian... Allow modification of PS1 by setting other variables
2016-09-23 Maximilian... Move mutt launch script to path
2016-09-23 Maximilian... Move mailcap to its correct location
2016-09-23 Maximilian... Redefine standard search engine to duckduckgo
2016-09-23 Maximilian... Some color borders+other things
2016-09-21 Maximilian... Add aber email, remove student and musoft.
2016-09-20 Maximilian... Use flourine X config files
2016-09-14 Maximilian... Better formatting in latex
2016-09-14 Maximilian... 256 colors in tmux
2016-09-14 Maximilian... Try to recover most of existing dotfiles
2016-07-17 Maximilian... Add folders for mailing lists
2016-07-04 Maximilian... Simple tmux config
2016-07-04 Maximilian... Alias tmux
2016-07-04 Maximilian... Change the way gpg agent is called
2016-06-28 Maximilian... Better line breaking behaviour in latex.
2016-06-28 Maximilian... Fix 'purple' color in bashrc bash prompt
2016-06-24 Maximilian... Reduce time between imap fetches
2016-06-14 Maximilian... Minor formatting changes in muttrc
2016-06-14 Maximilian... use ~/.local/tmp as TMPDIR
2016-06-14 Maximilian... Remove message caching for mutt
2016-06-14 Maximilian... Use gpgme for mutt gpg
2016-06-04 Maximilian... Fix reference to mutt binary
2016-06-04 Maximilian... Fix color and threading in mutt
2016-06-03 Maximilian... Return to a solarized ish colorscheme
2016-06-02 Maximilian... Change the terminal and vim colorschemes
2016-05-19 Maximilian... Adjust color for 16 color terminal
2016-05-19 Maximilian... Appropriate colors for 16 color terminal
2016-05-19 Maximilian... Synchronize mail after quitting mutt
2016-05-16 Maximilian... Highlight replied messages
2016-05-16 Maximilian... Remove theme from git
2016-05-16 Maximilian... Color deleted messages red
2016-05-16 Maximilian... Log output of sync commands
2016-05-16 Maximilian... Prevent stow from symlinking msmtprc
2016-05-15 Maximilian... Change colorscheme to brown/gray
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Lighter bg and dark comments
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Zenburn like color theme
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Clean up color handling in bashrc
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Replace solarized font in vim
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Remove solarized theme from mutt
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Script for launching mutt while running mbsync
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Working offline mail config
2016-05-13 Maximilian... Initially working conf for mbsync and local mutt
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Move mail password to separate file
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Rename mutt to online_mail
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Change binding for switching mailbox
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Optimize look and feel a little
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Correct format flowed config for vim as well!
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Use gpg for signing and encrypting
2016-05-12 Maximilian... Solarized theme for airline
2016-05-07 Maximilian... Force stow to move .gitignore
2016-05-07 Maximilian... Put alsa config into repo
2016-05-07 Maximilian... Add $USER_TMP variable to point to .local/tmp
2016-05-07 Maximilian... Add abcde config to dotfiles
2016-05-06 Maximilian... Unset the record and trash for gmail accounts
2016-05-06 Maximilian... Fix incorrect editor command
2016-05-06 Maximilian... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:maxf130/dotfiles
2016-05-06 Maximilian... Use musoft google apps account as well
2016-05-06 Maximilian... Flow text within mutt and don't add hard line breaks
2016-05-05 Maximilian... Aliases and viewing urls in mutt
2016-04-29 Maximilian... Not using notes anymore.
2016-04-29 Maximilian... Create bash_lite for hosts without gpg
2016-04-29 Maximilian... Modify path to point at .local/bin
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Merge branch 'dev/stow'
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Fetch modified vimrc from master
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Finish moving dotfiles to stow structure
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Merge branch 'master' of github.com:maxf130/dotfiles
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Use solarized theme for vim airline
2016-04-25 Maximilian... Rearrange to suit GNU stow for vim and bash.
2016-03-31 Maximilian... Better matlab/octave indent handling
2016-03-25 Maximilian... Better python indenting and linting
2016-02-23 Maximilian... Force python3 and flake8 for python linting
2016-02-06 Maximilian... Set inputrc to set vim like keybindings in the shell.
2016-02-06 Maximilian... Unset trash for personal gmail account.
2016-02-03 Maximilian... Remove owncloud client from startup. Kill speaker beep
2016-02-03 Maximilian... Add locally installed gems to path
2016-01-31 Maximilian... Fix incorrext smtp addressed and change dir macro
2016-01-30 Maximilian... Use gpg-agent and set trash folders for imap accounts
2016-01-30 Maximilian... Use solarized theme for vim, mutt, terminals and bash.
2016-01-29 Maximilian... fix mutt passwords
2016-01-29 Maximilian... add bash completions
2016-01-27 Maximilian... Commit mutt config files.
2016-01-20 Maximilian... Add gitignore to dotfiles.
2016-01-20 Maximilian... Use ratpoison as window manager
2015-12-02 Maximilian... Load .bashrc from .bash_profile for login shells.
2015-11-30 Maximilian... Add bash_profile and make minor changes to n and nls
2015-11-30 Maximilian... Remove zsh and set up note taking
2015-11-25 Maximilian... Draw vertical line at 80 cols in vim